My name is Melissa Simpler. I had an idea. I told two friends. The idea quickly moved from an idea into an action. We started talking to our friends. The amount of support and encouragement we received was exhilarating. We heard a resounding YES and mobilized.
We're a group of moms from Austin, Texas. Our vision is to make this a cause for everyone - all inclusive - a unified effort. No one too young or too old to participate. The more diversity and inclusion, the better. No politics, no labels. Bring parents, youth, elders, all races, religions, and political persuasions together. Let's stop fighting with each other, and instead unite around a cause we all care about and need, for ourselves and for the world. DEMOCRACY. Governments run "by the people, for the people." Today, Ukraine needs our help. This is where we start.
Just Give $5. Join our Freedom5rs. Spread the Word.